Memoriess<3 <body><script type="text/javascript"> function setAttributeOnload(object, attribute, val) { if(window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load', function(){ object[attribute] = val; }, false); } else { window.attachEvent('onload', function(){ object[attribute] = val; }); } } </script> <div id="navbar-iframe-container"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> gapi.load("", function() { if (gapi.iframes && gapi.iframes.getContext) { gapi.iframes.getContext().openChild({ url: '\x3d2425252693004469351\x26blogName\x3dMemoriesss~\x26publishMode\x3dPUBLISH_MODE_BLOGSPOT\x26navbarType\x3dSILVER\x26layoutType\x3dCLASSIC\x26searchRoot\x3d\x26blogLocale\x3den\x26v\x3d2\x26homepageUrl\x3d\x26vt\x3d-1011074667145945829', where: document.getElementById("navbar-iframe-container"), id: "navbar-iframe" }); } }); </script> Memoriess to be remembered in mind,heart, FOREVER<3

Sunday, February 7, 2010
what a tiring eyes are freaking heavy now..sleepy ahhhhhhh @.@ ==
woke up at 7.15am today..went to driving at 9am..7pm went back home..8.45pm watched movie at mbo..came back at 10.30pm. 10.50pm went out for dinner until newspaper..was facebooking around justnnow(kinda boring..i cant believe what i said! haha) haven't rest since 7.15am i woke up until now..==

nothing much to describe about today anyway..nothing of today-tiger woo hoo..aint very very very very nice like what others said..(im a weirdo..haha) just being enjoy bout the movie..and not very funny also..haha
..i thought it would be very funny and nice movie..but okayyy..i dont think so..for lorrr.haha

i lost my money today..(not my money in dad's==) but luckily my kakak found the money back on the showcase area..phewwww..if not..parents gonna nagging around..haha

wondering..hmmmmmmm..dont ask what..haha just being random~=P goodnite
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
9:02 AM

Friday, February 5, 2010

WOW! Its great! so much fun weihhhhh..just came back from new jaya jusco..its freaking big..okay== well, its kinda small compared to kl's..i love the environment there..the "tanglung" bla3..chinese new year is coming soooo soooooooooooonnnn! cny just so greattt!

haha..i gonna go crazy this time..heehehe..bought alot of junk foods..potato chips, wang wang[not sure the spelling anyway, lol..who long as i can eat! =] ]you know what?! i bought drypers! hahaha..ridiculous right..i know xD ! none of my family members using that anyway..haha i bought it for only 31.99..kinda cheap..special promotion..hehe..the things sold there kinda cheap..=P Its worth to getting fatter and fatter nowadays.. i have got a belly now! oops..sad big..haiz plzzz..i wanna go on diet..but my mouth, nonstop weii=[..haiz.

after shopping at JJ, Went to eat dim sum at kota laksamana..kinda full, eat too much, drink too much of chinese tea most probably..and water..>.< after eating, went back home..packing those cny stuffs, foods and drinks most of it..and here i am..blogging right now tomorrow noon shift..until 11pm=[ so tiring..but i guess tomorrow not gonna have alot of people anyway..hehe. sunday driving lesson again..haiz..hate to listen to what the driving instructor said! annoiying laaa. im leg as zzzz..stupid!! ishhh..=[

here are the few photos which my brother had taken in the new JJ, here you go!

--Mary HAD a little lamb--
9:13 AM

Thursday, February 4, 2010
it has been months i have been putting my blog aside..preparing for SPM..Work bla bla bla..
time flies..two months just went off in a twinkling of an eye..what have i done in this 2 months uh? bored nia..nothing much..

Back from work since 7.30..have been facebooking around, have my dinner and chit chatting through msn..havent take my shower yet..oops..its kinda have been nagging around asking me to bath..yet im not in the bathroom yet..but still infront of the comp, how lazy i am -.- Just changed my blogskin..having some trouble to find a nice blogskin..well, this blogskin aint look nice anyway..haha but who cares least my blog has a new look. xD

currently working in jusco popular[MJJ] it stands for malacca jaya jusco..kinda tiring haha. 5th of feb which is tomorrow..the brand new jusco shopping centre..erhh not brand open..previous event..just let it be a long as tomorrow gonna have a new shopping centre to hang out with friend agaain..haha..previously was always hanging out with friend near mp and dp nia..i need some "freshness" lol..

eng so bad laaaa nowadays..most probably because of speaking too much malay during working time..and have not been speaking english often dy..haiz == sad nia..i dont want it to be like that..eng=international much more important..sorry if my words offence you..but its the fact so try blogging to polish my english well. i hope it it's so cacated! ewwww..lets cut it off ==

spm result is gonna out..erh is like about 1 month plus? ooohhhhhh my godness~ im so gonna die man..what a life. still have not make up my mind what course i should take..erhh not related to science most probably..i wouldnt cope well.. T_T Soo way too noob..stupid..haha

CNY coming soon..1 week more..friday going to kl..lcct airport..hehe my first time being there wei..haha to fetch my brother back to malacca for CNY..Hehehe..bought kinda lots of clothes this year..haha my very first time to buy aite..gonna bath now..if not mom gonna nagging again..haha till then..
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
6:56 AM
Friday, June 26, 2009
As the time flies..2 months gone just in a twinkling of an second brother got an offer to sabah for medic course. a pretty far distance away from my house. i know..he wont be back in few weeks time..but few months time. The life wasnt like the matriks life, that pretty enjoy with friends anymore..i guess. he is going to crack his head..or so..because i heard medic is hard..and pressure. anyhow, i hope he will pass through everything..a very best wishes for him..well, back to yesterday, i followed my eldest brother and parents to central bus station yesterday..parents were there to company my second brother to let him adopt with the "brand"new enviroment there. we travelled to central bus station at 11.31pm. reached there about 11.50++pm..i doesnt cry infront of him..i didnt hug him. i didnt give anything..but just saying a "bye2"..2 words. i hope for the best wishes for him..i couldnt bear any longer..i cried in the car after leave central bus station but without letting my eldest brother knows. my tears rolled down the cheek..the feeling aint nice. i wont get to see him in few months time. even during his semester break, i dont think he is free to play with us like how we did during the hols. he will be busy with his studies.. study for 7 years i think.

Back to the 2 months hols..we did enjoy ourselve alot. we watched drama late at night..until the next morning only went to bed..chit-chatting, bullying each other..he is a guy that can get along well. his attitude is pretty much better than me alot. everyone dote him alot. he is kind of perfect brother for me..lols..and of course my eldest brother too!!:) i hope for the very best wishes for him..dont give up with a sigh, and no doubt he CAN DO IT! my funny yet mischievous brother!! xoxo. everyone here will be missing you like hell. Good luck. <3 try your very matter what..we will still support you~~!!

OKays. tomorrow..guess what?! a very grand event will be held in my school, 27th June 2009! a fun and food carnival for the very first time in st david on the behalf of celebrating the school 50th anniversary~~ all the money will be use in building fund. we are lack of classroom now. we having two "floating classes" which is 4sc1 and 4sc2..the fun and food carnival tomorrow will be a blast! horse riding. flying "coaster"..lols..foods, accessories, jumble sale, hair salon, car wash, rock climbing, games, kopitiam, maybank, makhota hospital of free check-up, eyes test from dont know where xD and alot alot alot more!!!! RM10 per yeah..feel free to drop down at st david high school..and you will never regret!! i shall stop see ya!!!

--Mary HAD a little lamb--
5:59 AM

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Recently nothing to blog about..So..just do some taggy to update my bloggg!! or blog is dead! This is my first time to do taggy xD enjoy reading..about my little personal things so, you would know me well.
Here you go~~!


1. Last beverage:
Mocha Latte
2. Last phone call:
3. Last text message:
Teck Kai

4. Last song you listened to:
Love story from Taylor Swift

5. Last time you cried:
When i was a baby..lols if as you believe what i said. xD

6. Dated someone twice:
No one to date with :(
7. Been cheated on:
Yeap. Playboy sucks

8. Kissed someone & regretted it:
My first kiss still here!!
9. Lost someone special:
Yeah, doesnt appreciate the chance

10. Been depressed:
Yea of course duh. everyone does. xD
11. Been drunk and threw up:
Nope..ouh im lucky

12. Pink
13. Purple
14. Light purple. xD

15. Made a new friend:
Oh course. dont you? >.<
16. Fallen out of love:

17. Laughed until you cried:
Yeah, until cried and asthma..lols

18. Met someone who changed you:
No idea.

19. Found out who your true friends were:
20. Found out someone was talking about you:
Who knows.
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list:

22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life:
All. if not..why must i link them up.>.<

23. How many kids do you want?: idea.

24. Do you have any pets:
Nope. sad case..i love puppy!!

25. Do you want to change your name:
Yea..its hard to pronounce..

26. What did you do for your last birthday:
Receive present, wishes..bla bla thats all..
27. What time did you wake up today: too pig
28. What were you doing at midnight last night:
Surfing the internet
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for:
Life after SPM!!! Yeah, a new hp~~
30. Last time you saw your Mother:
Just now in the room.

31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life:
My attitude. My laziness
32. What are you listening to right now :
The sound from the fan
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom:
Nope..whos TOM?!

34. What's getting on your nerves right now:

35. Most visited webpage:
Facebook and blogger.

36. Whats your real name:
Yong Sheue Yuh[Its harddddd to prononuce]

37. Nicknames:
Alot..why should i tell you?! even have some dirty words..haha

38. Relationship Status:
Single and not available
39. Zodiac sign:

40. Male or female?:
Haha. Not male nor female..lols Female laa duuhh.

41. Primary School?:
SRJK(C)Bukit Beruang

42. Secondary School?:
St David High School. [fun!]

43. High school/college?:

44. Hair colour:
Natural Black

45. Long or short:
Longgggg..gotta get a hair cut!!

46. Height:

47. Do you have a crush on someone?:
48: What do you like about yourself?:
My lips

49. Piercings:
Yeah. but not wearing earings..=.=

50. Tattoos:
I hate tattoos!!
51. Righty or lefty:

52. First surgery:
Yeah..On my eye! just a small surgery

53. First piercing:
Yeah, ears.

54. First best friend:
No idea. gotta back to kindergarten time
55. First sport you joined:

56. First vacation:
Genting..when i was so youngggg
58. First pair of trainers:
No idea.

59. Eating:
No..just ate my lunch

60. Drinking:

61. I'm about to:
Watch Tv later on..
62. Listening to:
Conversation between mom and brother. haha
63. Waiting on:
The drama to start

64. Want kids?:
Hmm..maybe yes maybe no

65. Get Married?:
No..its better to live with bf rather than husband..everything would change..[my opinion] Dont plan on getting married.

66. Career?:
Yeah..but no chance>.< >My sucks result<

67. Lips or eyes:

68. Hugs or kisses:
69. Shorter or taller:
70. Older or Younger:
Older than me 2 years..better

71. Romantic or spontaneous:
72. Nice stomach or nice arms:
Nice Stomach
73. Sensitive or loud:
Can i not to choose..? XD

74. Hook-up or relationship:

75. Trouble maker or hesitant:
I Dont wanna choose! haha

76. Kissed a stranger:
OMG..You think leh?

77. Drank hard liquor:
Im good girl
78. Lost glasses/contacts:
No. im not wearing any glasses and contact lens

79. Sex on first date:
Impossible impossible!! the boys are too bad nowadays..haha
80. Broken someone's heart:

82. Been arrested:

83. Turned someone down:
Yeah. of course. when i hurt someones
84. Cried when someone died:
Depends on whos the person.

85. Fallen for a friend?:

86. Yourself:

87. Miracles:
Yea..i loveee miracle!!!
88. Love at first sight:
89. Heaven:
..i guess
90. Santa Claus:
hopefully santa claus is really exist in this world!
91. Kiss on the first date:

92. Angels:
Mmm?? Yes..

ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: [highlight it to see the answers]
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time:
Nope. Read
question 38
95. Did you sing today?:
Love story!! xD
96. Ever cheated on somebody?:
Yea i guess

97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?:
When i was a baby..
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?:
No ideaaa.
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?:
No i guess
100. Posting this as 100 truths & asking people to do this tag if they want to.
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
11:01 PM
Great time with all of you! <3
Tuesday, June 2, 2009


while waiting for their food at mcd..haha..was freaking hungry!!


two leng doubt


group photos with all except for the camera man. haha miss it!


Great time<3


DSC00805 all of you lots and tonnes



making fun around. lols


All the girls..hehe..left: shu wei, suan wen, me, su ying, kaising, shieh ling.


Sweet couple.oopsss..sorry dude


benz aka head prefect aka the ss's


the evil smile. the evil looking. whack him upppp!! =DD


Benz aka the mischievous.


the abnormal head prefect..4 personalities so called 4 in 1. =.= great ones.


didnt know my hair so long. Lols.


chit-chatting all the nonsensessssss


Kaising aka the cuttiest and shieh ling aka “ex” know what i mean. hehe


kai sing and shieh ling..Phewwwitttt. leng luis leng luis.


kaising and su ying..why your eyes aint open?! hahaha


the sexiest..friends EVER.


kaising and suan wen aka chin yap..No offence yaar


Kaising and sheryee aka me myself! =P [Special species..different from others. lying down..eyes aint big enough due to the sunlight. lols]


the sweet couple ever and ever..opps. sorry is friend..but they love each other..hehehe


Nice ones. [both of you must appreciate this photo yarh. haha]

DSC00825 ugly looks.


again. ugliest among all..what am i doing??!=.=


hehehe. St davidians!!


Nice shot!!! Pay ya attention at the hands, and the sweet couple=P


Kaising and wilson aka my grandpa..funny pose! haha

Okay..shall we go into more details? xD
after extra class from school..went to dp by bus with 13 of my friends. we chit-chatting all the way long..reached dp mcd at 12.34pm. good timing! 1234..hahax okay. had our lunch at dp mcd..RM7.50 per person. kinda cheap..but then cannot get to finish all the foods we ordered. haha what was so surprised is i met my mei[godsis] there haha..really unexpected..should have take a picture with her..haha. well, after lunch..went to dreambox..booked vip room. rm10+ per person. well, i dont think its expensive because it included drinks and tibits..we had lots of fun there! we sang for nearly 5 hours there. Really enjoy ourselve..laugh..bully each other..making fun all the times! hahaha. we ordered drinks and foods. shout here and there.bla bla bla..but then inside there was pretty cold..i was shivering all the time. haha lucky my friend lend me his jacket xD We went to dp field at 6 something..was chit-chatting about the school's story..bla bla bla. haha..talked alot of usual la. we camwhored alot too. xD yeah. have a look at the picture above..haha. really enjoyed ourselve..had a great time with all of them..really..hope to meet kaising very soooooonnnnnn again. hehe. i love the sweet memories!!! xD xoxo

Crazy friendssss:)
1)kaising aka the naughtiest
2)shu wei aka the shy ones
3)shieh ling aka "ex"
4)suan wen aka sharon
5)su ying aka lao shu
6)me aka sheryee xD
7)Li jing aka the craziest girl
8)krystle aka the polite ones
9)benz aka the mischievous guy ever
10)ah kiong aka the funniest
11)wilson aka ah gong
12)teck kai aka the singer in the future..
13)jun siang aka the kind hearted!(he lend me his jacket lols..dotn missunderstand anything..i ask him to borrow mia)
14)chin yap aka sharon's lover. xD

Yeah! they brought me alot of sweet love!
Till then..

singed off.
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
7:36 AM

Friday, May 22, 2009
Changed blogskin.
Its time for me to change my taste. LOLS
Will be update the rest of the details later on.
Bro Seeing me blogging now.
Really cant stand for it.
Gotta put playlists..
Fill in My details and bla bla bla..
still alot more to update on.
so i shall stop here.
Signed off. <3
Enjoy the day<3<3

With loves,
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
10:31 PM
The Craziest side=P ♥ Name: Sheryee Yong {great right!]=]So unique..hahaha
♥ Nicknames: OOPSSS..TOPPP secret=D ♥ Age: Sweet seventeen.. erh..not that sweet somehow =.=
♥ DOB: 5th november 1992=]
♥ Student of: EX-St Davidian!! Haha! Rockx! =DD
♥ loves to go online..travelling of course xD ♥ Not a shopaholic~~ =x [so-not-girlish- haha] ♥ Treats friend on how they treat me in the first place..! X) ♥ sometimes kinda bad temper..if my mood aint good..sorry if i offence you xD
♥ MY HANDPHONE IN ADVANCE..ERRHH COMING SOONNNNN (12TH FEB!=D) ♥♥ my family =] they are always by my me in everything when i need their help so muchyyy xD ♥♥♥ travel to everywhere..everytime i like!
KEPO Side! hehe

maximum size is 145px
what i had!
|December 2008|
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|June 2009|
|February 2010|
thank yous!
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